Sunday, May 22, 2011

It is the duty of Muslims to foremost

01.Learn and implement the Quran in their daily lives. If you read the Quran everyday then start reading it’s translation. If you already do that, try going a step further, try to memorize one ayah at a time and try to use and follow and spread the word of Allah.

02.Rush to do good deeds. Try to go out of your way to help others in need in any halal way you can. Try to volunteer your spare time for the masjid or any muslim or other organizations which help the needy. If you look around, you will see examples from your own community of people who beautifully manage their time by giving their best to work, as well as their deen. Learn from the living examples, if they can do it, so can you insyAllah!

03.Fulfill your commitments on time. As a Muslim, it is your duty not to waste time while at work as well as when at home or on weekends. So, set an example for others to follow.

04.Properly manage time in the present and learn from your mistakes of yesterday. Do zhikr whenever and wherever you are - in the car, cooking, cleaning. If yesterday you could not give time to your deen because of whatever reason, don’t let that reason stop you today.

Allah SWT has blessed us with this life. Let us thank Him and worship Him and glorify Him whenever we can so that this benefits us and our children who see an example in the way we live.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Mother My heRo

If the woman dies within 40 days of giving birth, she will die as a shahid (matyr).

"A woman that dies in her virginity or during her pregnancy or at the time of birth or thereafter (in nifaas) will attain the rank of a martyr" :Hadeeth

Nabi (salalaallahu alayhi wassallam) is reported to have also said

".......When her labour pains commence, the inhabitants of the earth and the sky are unaware of the stores of comfort that are prepared for her. When she delivers and breast feeds her child, then she will be granted a reword for every gulp of milk, if she had to remain awake during the night for the sake of the child, she will receive the reword of emancipating seventy slaves in the path of Allah Ta'ala. O Salaamat! Do you know who these women are? They are pious, upright, with a delicate nature yet obedient to their husbands and not ungrateful to them"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Assimilation of Nature

Our emotion is just like the sine curve, a friend of mine told me. it goes up and drops. a whole cycle that repeats again and again. for me, sometimes, when i’m on the top of the curve, life seems so fun but when it’s down below, all seem tight but strangely enough, i connect well with myself at these times more than otherwise. a connection that brings me to think and reflect on me myself and my surroundings, on the actions that i did or am doing and the things that happened to me. strangely enough, during these times, when i pray, i feel closer to Allah more than ever. strangely enough i’m enjoying the gloominess that engulfs me.

Today is a beautiful day, there are flower petals falling from the trees, showering the passers by walking near or under them blown by the winds that breathe the cool lovely air; bringing me to feel as if i’m being blessed by my Lord.

these two conditions above, the gloom and the fantastic ambience, resonate within me for the beauty that Allah has laid for me is well appreciated with the receptiveness that i am in. i praise Allah for His thoughtfulness and for the hikmah that He owns.

indeed here Allah proves that He knows what many of us know not. when Allah created human beings, He told the angels who were skeptical with the idea that he knows while they don’t. He further emphasised this character of His by asking them to tell Him the names of the objects that He had laid out which they could not but our father Adam could, saying :”Haven’t I told all of you that I indeed know the hidden parts of the heavens and the earth and that I know what u reveal and what u hide?”

Allah doesn’t create things to waste. every single thing that He creates holds a value within itself; it is only that our limited minds that are strangling our abilities to apprehend the lessons that He has installed into each of His creations. who can appreciate that sadness can bring one person to reciprocate well with the nature surrounding him.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


SOLAT SELEPAS HAID : PERKARA YG DIPANDANG RINGAN.. Pengetahuan Islam kepada sesiapa yang bernama wanita ISLAM!!! Kebanyakkan perempuan/wanita/ muslimah (wanita Islam) tak berapa perasan ATAU lebih malang lagi jika memang tak tahu menahu akan perkara ini... Ilmu Fekah, khususnya BAB HAID yang berkaitan dengan diri wanita itu sendiri amat kurang dikuasai atau difahami secara menyeluruh oleh kebanyakkan wanita Islam...kenapa hal ini boleh terjadi?? Amat susah untuk mencari seorang guru/ustazah/ ...yang betul-betul pakar dalam bab 'Orang-orang Perempuan ini' kecuali terpaksa@mesti dirujuk kepada lelaki/ustaz- ustaz yang bernama LELAKI jugak...(saya rasa ramai yang bersetuju dengan pandangan saya )

Contohnya yang paling simple ; bila ditanya kepada kebanyakkan wanita Islam ; "adakah wajib bagi seorang wanita Islam menqhada'kan solat mereka yang ditinggalkan ketika haid?" pastinya kita akan mendengar jawapan daripada kebanyakkan mereka mengatakan: "alaa...itu soalan mudah jee..bila 'datang period' maka solat tuu tak perlu qadha, yang perlu qadha hanya puasa jee..itulah yang kami belajar sejak mula-mula 'bergelar wanita' dulu" Jika dibuat pantauan nescaya jawapan seperti di ataslah yang akan kita jumpa... Sebenarnya TAK SEBEGITU MUDAH bagi seorang muslimah nak meninggalkan solat mereka walaupun dirinya didatangi haid!!! sekalipun. Hal ini boleh dirujuk di dalam kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin karangan Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Ghazali yang mashur.

Kitab yang padanya ada ilmu yang berkaitan Tasauf dan padanya juga perbahasan Fekah yang luas, inilah bukti kehebatan ulama' terdahulu.. Dalam BAB TIGA : " Fi adab Mua'sharah Wama Yujzi Fi Dawamun Nikah..." perkara YANG KETUJUH disebut dengan jelas dalam kitab tersebut : PERKARA YANG BERKAITAN DENGAN HAID: Penjelasan (bayan) terhadap solat yang perlu diqadha bagi perempuan yang didatangi haid :

1. Jika perempuan dalam keadaan haid mendapati darah haid itu berhenti (dengan melihatnya) sebelum masuknya waktu Maghrib, kira-kira sempat dia solat asar sebanyak satu rakaat, maka baginya wajib qadha solat zohor dan asar.

2. Jika perempuan mendapati darah haidnya kering sebelum masuknya waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat baginya solat Isya' sebanyak satu rakaat, maka wajib baginya qadha solat maghrib dan Isya'. " Dan hal ini (qadha solat yang ditinggalkan semasa haid) adalah sekurang-kurang perkara yang wajib diketahui oleh setiap wanita Islam" (Imam Al-Ghazali)

1. Kenapa perlu diqadha solat Asar dan Zohor? - Kerana perempuan itu hanya menyedari keringnya haid masih dalam waktu Asar, maka baginya wajib solat asar (selepas mandi hadas)

2. Kenapa pula solat Zohor juga perlu diqadha sama? - Kerana di dalam hukum menjama' (menghimpun solat bagi orang musafir) solat Asar boleh dijama' dan diqosarkan bersama solat Zohor. - Kerana kecuaian wanita itu sendiri (dari melihat haidnya kering atau tidak), boleh jadi haidnya sudah kering dalam waktu Zohor lagi, langkah Ihtiyat ( menjaga hukum) maka perempuan itu juga perlu mengqhada solat Zohor.

3. Dalam perkara solat subuh pun sama : -perempuan itu hanya menyedari darah haidnya kering, sebelum masuk waktu subuh, kira-kira sempat solat Isyak satu rakaat (selepas mandi hadas) maka wajib baginya solat Isya' sebab darahnya kering masih dalam waktu Isya'. -Solat Isya' juga boleh dijama' (bagi musafir) dengan solat Maghrib, maka baginya juga perlu diqadha solat maghrib.

-Di atas kecuainnya (tidak betul-betul melihat darahnya kering atau tidak dalam setiap waktu solat) maka boleh jadi darahnya sudah kering dalam waktu maghrib lagi (sebab proses keringnya darah itu berlaku secara perlahan-lahan, mungkin perempuan itu hanya menyedarinya dalam waktu subuh, hakikatnya proses pengeringan itu sudah lama berlaku) -maka langkah ihtiyat (menjaga hukum) maka adalah bagi perempuan itu perlu di qadha juga solat maghribnya.

Sila rujuk : Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin (Jilid ke 2) cetakan Darul Nahwan Nil / Darul Haram Lil Turath, Kaherah. Diharapkan tulisan ini memberi kesedaran kepada seluruh yang bergelar Muslimah untuk lebih mendalami diri mereka dengan ilmu 'Fiqhul Nisa' ini yang berkaitan dengan diri mereka sendiri!!!